We were visited by two lovely little girls from Chernoby today. They were the few lucky children that were chosen to have a holiday here in the UK to visit other places apart from their home town and get better in health, since they will temporarily be out of a radioactive zone. We decided to play simple games with them that didn't require much speaking since they cuold only speak Russian and we could only speak English. So we decided to play jenga with them and also made a really long paper chain that we took out in the hallway to see which team won. They seemed to really enjoy these simple activities and it made me think of the lives lived by some people in the world that doesn't have the same luxuries as I do and it made me feel grateful for everything that I have and the family I have. I think these holidays that are provided for these children are really important because it gives them a chance to see the world outside their town/ village and also so that they can feel healthy again and make new friends. It's not fair that they have to sudder for someone elses fault and this holiday, short it may be, is still a chance for them to develope and gain a better understanding about the world. It can also make them feel like they aren't alone and there are people that are trying to help them.