Raised over £400!

We have been helping the Chernobyl trust since the start of our course and it has been amazing to see how much can be done to help if everybody works together. At the quiz we raised over £400 which will help bring a child from the radioactive zones of Bulgaria to have a holiday here in the U.K. Once they are here they can finally get clean water to drink and clean food to eat with a shelter above their heads and people who cares for them. It is a truly a great charity to support and I am glad to help with my IB class. 

          The quiz was quite stressful to organise but we somehow managed. We all worked together, assigned jobs to everyone. We all had to deliver letter to shops to get raffle prizes and bring food. My contributions were coconut macaroons and caramel bites. We had cupcakes, a chocolate fountain, fruits, marshmallows, cheese & crackers, quiche and for drinks we had tea, coffee, water, juices and fizzy drinks. For the quiz itself we had 10 rounds all with 10 questions. My quiz round was films and to be honest I was quite shocked that some of the teachers didn't know the name of the cat that loves to eat lasagna - Garfield. It was really fun to watch the teachers getting competitive with each other and congratulations to Arwel's team that won! Better luck next time to the other teams next year at the new IB1's quiz.
Me with head caterer, Lil' Oliv
           I think doing this quiz has really helped our class to better work together and it really shows how much can be done if everyone participates. We will, as the new IB2's, be doing more to help our chosen charities in the second year to help those that need our help. We hope to get the same response from the quiz and we are happy to be a part of helping those we have helped to have a chance at a new life.

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