Caroling at Convent of Mercy and at Bay View!

As a class, we decided that we should keep our initial charity group which is Chernobyl Children's Lifeline. Last year we made a quiz for them and raised over £400. This year with our caroling service we raised £109.40! We had eight practices in college as our CAS lesson which we really enjoyed. We did some of the carols we did last year but we did do different songs too. To make this year's carolling more festive and fun we decided to dress up. Initial ideas were to do a nativy themed carol service and I had the pleasure of being a shepherd. However that required being to buy expensive costumes and we thought that it wasn't worth buying those expensive costumes when we could be giving that money to our charity. At one point during a practice the whole dressing up thing was scrapped but we somehow got the idea back as some people had already bought their costumes. We had a star, two christmas trees, a christmas had, two presents and the rest came in a christmas jumper. My jumber had a reindeer on it and it even had bells so when we were having fun singing and swaying the bells on my jumper was ringing and added to the precussion. The money that we raised will help children who are affected by the Chernobyl accident. It could give a child a chance to have a holiday where they can finaly breath clean air and have a good time in a new country. The elderly people at the Covent of Mercy was happy to have us. There were some singing along and waving their arms and swaying to the songs and they even asked for an encore! The only thing was the room that we were in was quite small and having lots of being in one small room meant it was boiling hot. Present costumes were not worn at this time. I think this was a really good activity to do as it reminds us that there are others that require our help and to give up a few hours of our day won't hurt. A good deed can go a long way and it also makes you feel good that you are contributing into making someones life a little bit better.

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